wysi translations

Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN) Chapter 37

A Place Where Life's Miracle Stirs

tl: deepl & diced

 Seeing Flamm stunned, Nect shut his mouth tight while laughing, as his shoulders shook.

"I said that in response to Onee-san's request. Thanks to that reaction, I decided to talk to you a bit more."

"Alright, just tell me why you said that. 「Necromancy」, aren't they a nakama1 of the same church?"

"Nakama....nakama right....... haha, is that how we look. No, that's definitely how it looks."

"「Chimera」, too?"

"That's right. The 「Children」, 「Necromancy」, 「Chimera」. Think about it for a second, why would the Church go to the trouble of setting up three research teams?"

"That is ......."

 It could've been meant as a fallback in case of failure.

They could've also been cooperating with each other - no wait, Nect said he wanted to "destroy" 「Necromancy」.

 In other words, they were not friends.

"Do they exist to compete?"

 Flamm said, and Nect nodded his head with his arms folded.

 Let them engage in friendly competition, aim higher. Maybe only one of the three would eventually be chosen.

Selection......What on earth were they going to choose them for?

 Thirty years ago, the human-demon war, and the deployment of the Heroes.

The Church had always wanted the demon's territory.

To increase their military strength -- perhaps to operate the 「Origin Core」 as a weapon, Flamm thought.

"This is a pretty private feeling, but I think even Mother and the 「Chimera」 are thinking the same things."

"What things?"

"「Necromancy」 is an eyesore."

 Nect turned his head towards Flamm.

His face was expressionless with hardly any inflection in his voice.

 They must hate 「Necromancy」 that much.

"In short, it's a difference in direction. We and the 「Chimera」, well, we don't get along, but we both seek power. But 「Necromancy」 is different, their goal is to bring back the dead. They want to "make people happy", that's disgusting to keep researching with such a beautiful idea! That might as well be mocking 「Origin」!"

 His words carried passion.

 If what he says was true, that the research was really just about resurrecting the dead, then Flamm wouldn't any reason to stop it.

"Currently, Dafiz's research has been very successful."


"The good-looking glasses-wearing leader of the Necromancy, my most hated archetype! This guy managed to revive the dead, suppress the effects of the Origin as to make them seem like they've never died, and even make children with them."

"If that's how it is....."

"Of course not, you really think it would be like that?"

With a thin smile, Nect stared at Flamm wide open eyes.

 She was aware, and he knew that.

 That's why Flamm bit her lip while wearing a bitter expression

"You know why I just said it that way, right Onee-san?"

"...... The 「Origin Core」, I don't think it can be controlled to that extent"

"Yes exactly, a persons brain can't just override the will of the 「Origin」! To even think that the revived dead are in the same state as when they were alive is suspicious. Even so, 「Necromancy」 is highly regarded by the cardinals. If it were possible to raise the dead, it would bring in tons of faith and money, you know? We and 「Chimera」 both find it to be an eyesore."

 Nect said, as if he was trying to vent out his hatred.

 In other words, both Flamm's and his purpose were the same.

 To expose 「Necromancy」's lies and to ruin their research.

 As such, Gadio and Eterna would return and the「Children」's position in the church would improve.

 It seemed like an ideal deal, no one would lose anything.

"If so, why didn't you just do it yourself?"

"It would be easy to destroy it. Problem is, we belong to the same church, so we can't really do that. We had to do it another way."

"That way would be through me."

 Flamm said bluntly.

 She didn't like how she was being used.

"That's right. You know, you're special. Just looking at you makes the core of my chest to shake, making me lose my mind, making me feel as if my personality is being taken!"

 Nect said with an almost aroused expression while clenching his fist around his chest.

 His face warped.

Not in a figurative or metaphorical sense, but in the sense that it lost its shape like a squishy marble pattern.

It was like a vortex of flesh and a human face, fluctuating between the two.

"Haaaa...... I mean, well,"

 He took a deep breath, and his face returned to normal.

Unlike his previous words, he continued in a calm tone of voice.

"The ones with the 「Origin Core」 won't be able to maintain composure while in front of you, Onee-san. Just your presence is like experiencing a love that stirs the emotions."

"That example is gross."

"Khehehe, sorry, sorry, I got all worked up and said something weird. But it's true, and it's a weapon to destroy 「Necromancy」's falsehoods."

 Nect wasn't asking Flamm to attack their research institute.

 He just--

"Just go there, just being there will be enough to do the job."

"Even if I were to take your offer, what good would it do me?"

"I'll tell you where the institute is."

 That was a very tempting offer.

 Flamm had planned to look into it on her own.

 But when she had asked Reach, he didn't have much information about the research itself, as far as he had told her the other day.

 The Pope and the Cardinal knew more than Flamm and the others, but it was doubtful whether he could explain where Eterna and the others were, even when asked.

If so, it would have to be done on foot - but if done that way, it would have been uncertain when the research institute would be found.

 Moreover, the only person who could fight the church is Flamm.

 If Milkit or Ink were to be targeted in the meantime, it would be difficult to defend them.

"I doubt it would be a bad proposition for either of us."

 Nect smiled boldly.

 It would be a pain to do what he wants, but it would also be bad to let Dafiz do what he wanted.

 Between bad and awful, she had no choice.

"...... Just tell me the laboratory's location."

"Just as I had thought."

Nect, smiling like a boy of his age, truthfully told Flamm the institute's location.

 However, even though she had obtained some promising information, she didn't feel better.

 A bitter feeling spread throughout her chest.

 After saying what he had to say, Nect disappeared.

 Flamm, who was left there, sighed heavily alone in the quiet alley and went back the way she came.


Flamm returned much sooner than Milkit expected.

She greeted her at the door and looked at her grumpy Lord curiously as she said, "Welcome home."

"Is there something wrong?"

"I know where Eterna-san and Gadio-san are."

Flamm said bluntly.

"Eh, so soon? That's great, Master!"

 And Milkit started jumping up and down.

"It's not great at all. ......"

Normally, she would be happy, but she couldn't be so happy right now.

 Flamm's shoulders slumped.

 If she knew where the two of them were, why was she so down?

 The mystery only deepened. Seeing her staggering to the living room, Milkit tilted her own head, saying aloud, "Nnn?"

"Welcome back, you're here early, Flamm."

"I'm home. I ...... had an unexpected encounter."

 Flamm responded to Ink in a low tone.

 She sat down on the chair languidly and plopped onto the table.

"Ahaha, have you met someone you hate?"

"Yep, I met Nect."

"Eh ......!?"

"Nect is one of the 「Spiral Children」, isn't he? Why all of a sudden!"

 Both Ink and the Milkit who just entered the room were astonished.

"The research teams in the church didn't seem to get along with each other. Have you heard anything about that, Ink?"

"I was never part of that kind of talk."

 Ink pouted.

It is because of such treatment that she did such a crazy thing as escaping.

"I see. If you don't know, I guess I don't know the full details of your situation. Anyway, he told me that if I destroyed 「Necromancy」, he would tell me where the lab was."

"So did Master accept?"

 Milkit sat down next to Flamm and asked her.

"I was torn, but I knew I had to take it. Certainly, I don't want to do what the church wants, but I'm worried about Eterna-san and Gadio-san."

"But isn't it possible that it's a trap ......?"

"I don't think so. Nect has a tendency to get emotional. I think he got upset when he heard that they invited a hero into the institute one time."

  Ink's words were persuasive, since she had lived with Nect for a long time.

"Either way, Flamm is going to go, right?"

"As long as I recieve it, you know. So, what are you guys going to do while I'm gone--"

 At that moment, Milkit grabbed the hem of Flamm's dress.

Then she tied her mouth tight and looked at her Master with a sorrowful expression.

 Flamm gently patted her head and said, "I know you don't have to tell me.

"I'm going to take Milkit with me, but what about you, Ink? Eterna has left us enough medicine to spare, so I think we can ask Reach to keep you safe."

 There was no need to put Ink in danger.

 Flamm wanted her to be safe in the royal capital if possible, but - she and Eterna didn't know each other that well.

"I want to go with you too. I might be a liability, but it might be easier to bring Eterna home ..... if I'm there."

 She was aware that she was a liability.

 So she was modest, fidgety, and insisted in a small voice.

"Nect says it is not a dangerous place. The Sheol village itself is just a church research facility, and from the outside it doesn't look like anything more than a farming village. Besides, unlike the 「Children」 and 「Chimera」, they don't pursue powerful forces, so no need to worry about being attacked out of the blue."

"So then .... I can go too?'

"However, I can't guarantee your safety. I don't want to hurt the Ink that I took the trouble to save.

"I understand. If I have to, I'll do my best to run away."

 Truth is, it wasn't that simple.

 The first thing to do was to meet up with Eterna and leave Ink with her to persuade her to come back.

 After that, she should meet Gadio, talk to him ...... and then what?

 Nect said that just by being there, 「Necromancy」 will collapse, but it wouldn't be known what exactly would happen until getting there.

Would it go out of control and attack everyone like that ogre did sometime ago?

Or would something even more horrifying occur?

 With their fears swelling in their minds, Flamm and the others prepared themselves and headed for the horse-drawn wagon stop.


Numerous farming villages were scattered around the royal capital to support its huge population.

 The population per place was about 1,000 at most, but if all of them were united, their population would far exceed that of the royal capital.

 The most important route of the kingdom, the kaido2, was laid out in the middle of idyllic countryside.

 Flamm, Milkit, and Ink were riding on the back of a horse-drawn wagon on their way to Sheol Village.

 They oftenly passed by other wagons in this area.

"To tell the truth, I haven't been out of King's Landing very often."

 Milkit said, sitting on Flamm's left.

By the way, Ink is sitting on her right side.

"Then, is this type of scenery new to you?"

"Yeah, I was imagining that Master's hometown might be similar to this."

It was certainly a desolate and rural landscape compared to the royal capital.

Although, Flamm shook her head with a wry smile.

"My hometown is much more remote, so you'd probably be surprised when you see it."

"Much more than here, you mean?"

"Yep, It's surrounded by thicker forests, and even meadows, untouched by humans, have taller grass and thicker tree. Isn't it beautiful like the scenery around the royal capital?"

"If that's the case, I'm interested."

"I don't think it would be interesting to see it. ...... Well, if we ever go there together someday."

The wheels rolled and the wind rustled through a patch of greenery.

 The sounds and sights were relaxing, peaceful, and the atmosphere was so intoxicating that you couldn't help but engage in carefree conversation.

 The destination was a church research institute.

 The royal capital is quite close to Sheol Village.

It took three hours to approach the vicinity, and the three of them got off the carriage in the shade of a tree not far from the village.

There was no way they could've rode directly to the village, no matter how much they wanted to.

 After a 20-minute walk, the village came into view.

 In the heart of the village stood a church that looked rather splendid for a farming village.

 If they had known nothing about it, they would've just had the impression that it was a place with many devoted believers.

 But Flamm, who knows what this place was, was convinced.

 She was convinced that the church was the center of the research institute.

 First, she observed the surroundings of Sheol from a distance.

 The village was surrounded by fences, and there were two church knights at each of the northern and southern entrances.

 There were several threads hanging from the fence that were clearly suspicious.

 They were probably enchanted to detect any intruders.

 She could've forced her way in by jumping over, but she would've had to leave Milkit and Ink behind.

 There were wagons coming and going, loaded with food, and there wasn't any sign of the knights stopping them.

It was possible that he was a churchman, but he was dressed as an ordinary farmer, so he was probably watching for any suspicious behavior.

 If that was the case ...... then maybe, as expected, a normal person would be fine with entering head-on.

 Well, to expect that -- a lightly dressed girl with the mark of a slave on her cheek and several tattoos of epic equipment on her arms, a girl in a serving outfit with her face wrapped in bandages, and a blind girl with her eyes sewn together. --The three of them have too many visual issues, though.

 As Flamm sat pondering in the bushes for a moment, Milkit said, "Ah."

"What's up, Milkit?"

"Gadio-san is ......."

 She looked at Gadio, who had a calm expression on his face, and a young woman who was arm in arm with him.

 Flamm understood immediately that that was Thea.

 If they could at least inform him of their presence - at that moment, Ink lightly leaned over.

 The trees nearby swayed.

 Gadio's gaze suddenly turned toward Flamm and the others.

 He stopped, said something to Thea, and walked towards them.

"Someone's footsteps are approaching. ...... Is it my fault?"

"What do you mean fault, was it the shadows?"

 The three of them moved to a place where they were completely out of sight of the knight who was the gatekeeper.

When Gadio spotted the girls, he approached them while also paying attention to the knight's gaze.

"Don't tell me you've been following us?"

'Of course I would be furious with you for going to a church facility without telling us."

".......... Sorry."

When he apologized so honestly, Flamm felt apologetic on his part.

"But how did you guys find out about the facility in Sheol, not even half a day after we left royal capital?"

"That's ...... well, a lot has happened. But, Gadio, you look so relaxed. Are you really ok with the research on bringing back the dead?"

"I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that now. The one who was walking with me just now is my wife, Thea, whom I told you about the other day. Excepting the fact that her heart is now an origin core, she is no different than she was when she was alive. And - that man in charge of this facility, Dafiz, is not a bad guy. At least that's how I feel."

 Nect said the same thing.

Maybe Dafiz is really a good man.

"Do you want to meet?"

"With that guy?"

"Yes, maybe if we talk him through, he'll want to talk to Flamm as well."

 In any case, if that whole village was a research facility, it would've been difficult to sneak in.

 And Flamm herself wasn't sure what to make of Nect's words about his research into bringing the dead back to life.

 It might not have been too late to come to a conclusion after actually talking to Dafiz.

"What are you going to do, Master?"

 Milkit looked worriedly at Flamm, who fell silent.

 Ink, too, was staring at her as if to say, "I leave the choice to Flamm."

"Alright, can I see him?"

"Well then, follow me."

 Gadio said and led the three of them toward Sheol Village.

 Following his broad back, they passed through the gate, continued in the center of town, and headed for the church in question.

 Flamm felt like she was being looked at from all directions until she got there, which was very uncomfortable.


 Gadio knocked on the door of a room in the back of the church.

 A frail-looking man holding a small child appeared from inside.

This man was -- Dafiz Sharmath seemingly.

 When he first saw Flamm and Ink, he was quite surprised.

 He had no intention of inviting them, but the dangerous element, Flamm, who he had heard reports about, and the supposedly dead Spiral child suddenly appeared.

 Nevertheless, he quickly regained his composure and led the three of them into the reception room.

 Gadio returned to Thea.

 Flamm was a little apprehensive, though it would've been better if these two weren't here at that moment.

 After all, she had only come to destroy 「Necromancy」's research, including his wife, Thea.

 On the sofa in the parlor, from right to left, Ink, Flamm, and Milkit sat down.

 Dafiz sat on the sofa in front of him and took the young child in his lap.

 She was called Rukou[^3], and she was staring at Flamm with her dull eyes, not acting up or making a fuss.

"If I'm not mistaken, it was Flamm Apricot-san ...... right? I was surprised, I didn't expect you to come all the way out here. Where did you hear about Sheol Village?

"That's ......."

"Well, I have a pretty good idea. The fact that Ink-san is there means that it was from someone related to the 「Children」, right? They hate me and have interfered with me many times in the past."

"If that's the case, then why did you decide to talk to us?

"I was hesitant, but I didn't feel any hostility. Flamm-san, you are a kind person and both of the people next to you love you. So then, I thought that if we discussed it, surely you guys would understand the idea of 「Necromancy」."

 Dafiz smiled.

 Indeed, Gadio was right, he had really beautiful eyes, and he didn't seem to be lying.

 He must have been a good man.

 But that didn't mean I could accept his research that was using the 「Origin Core」.

"Resurrecting people. If it really could be done, I too would think that it were possible. But ...... is it truly possible?"

"Seeing our village, what did you think of it Flamm-san?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, things like such as how peaceful it is, how quiet it is, among other things, right? I'm just asking about your first impressions."

 She remembered the scene before they entered the church.

 The stares were bothersome, but it couldn't be helped based on their appearance..

 More than that, it seemed to her that there were many people walking around with more than one person.

 Parents, wives, husbands, children, lovers, friends -- everyone was laughing and enjoying their time together.

"A happy village, perhaps."

 Flamm put into words what she felt.

 Dafiz nodded in satisfaction.

"Yeah, that's how it appears to be. But half of them are dead people."

"Ha-..... Half of them!?"

 At the same time as Flamm, who was surprised out loud, Milkit and Ink also responded to Dafiz's words.

 This meant that, given the size of this village, more than two hundred people had already been resurrected from the dead.

"That many people have been brought back to life, overcome the sorrow of death, and found happiness. Well, it may not be perfect yet; however, they speak, feel, eat, defecate, sleep, and dare I say it, have intercourse, just like normal human beings. Even children will be born, in fact, this child - Rukou - was born to my wife after she was brought back. In other words, we are very close to perfection. The time is coming when mankind will no longer have to fear death!"

 If these people had merely come back to life, Flamm would have denied it, with or without saying so.

 However since the revived woman had birthed a new life, it was a different story.

 As she looked at Rukou, Dafiz spoke up as if to add to the conversation.

"Certainly Susie's (my wife's) heart has been substituted with an 「Origin Core」. However, the inside of Rukou's body is built different. There are some differences, but she has organs almost identical to those of a normal human being."

 The possibility came to mind that the child born could be an inhuman creature -- his words immediately squashed any thought that came to Flamm's mind.

 After more than a decade of research, it became impossible to find a hole in the logic against Dafiz.

 He wasn't a confident man, but when it comes to 「Necromancy」 research, he prided himself on perfection.

"Flamm-san, you have clashed with the forces of the 「Origin Core」. Thus, you can't believe my words. I understand that very well. It is indeed a horrifying power, and maybe even something that humans shouldn't use."

 Failure was important for experimentation.

 He, too, had failed many times, and sometimes his life was in danger because of it.

Even so, he never gave up. It was his unwavering love for Susie that kept him going.

However, it is for this reason, not just man's wisdom, that we were able to reach the realm of "life". We did not give up because it was impossible, we faced it and overcame it! The achievements that we have built up over these years ...... please believe in us."

 The act of replacing a human heart with an origin core was done by the 「Children」 as well.

 Their's was for a living human being, but in the ten years that had passed since then - Ink had been able to grow up as a human being.

 When her heart was returned to a human one, there hadn't been any symptoms of after effects so far.

 In short, this difference between them was whether the body was alive or dead.

 Even if an origin core were implanted in a dead person, for there to be a possibility to really be in the exact same condition as their life ...... was it possible?

 It couldn't be zero, but wasn't absolute either.

"Everyone, why don't you stay here today? I want you to make the decision. I want you to decide if our research is right or wrong."

 To sleep in the enemy's base camp was insane.

 But on the other hand, letting the enemy sleep in your own pocket was also insane.

 Their gazes collided as if testing each other's resolve, and Flamm nodded her head and accepted the offer.

 If her presence disturbed the dead who bear the 「Origin Core」, then staying here would naturally lead to that result.

 Rukou's eyes remained fixed on her face, staring at her without the slightest movement.

<-previous chapter |TOC| next chapter->

diced: idk if this pace is good, may start splitting chapters at some point or not daily releasing lol, if school gets busy, I'll definitely have a later release

I know the translation style hasn't been consistent, but in the future it should be. (i am a translating noob)

oh yeah i've been going back to previous chapters and fixing any typos and mistakes, let me know if i've missed any

yep this chapter was super long

Feedback for dicedmangoes or meepilee

  1. gonna be honest, I like the way it sounds in japanese better :)))

  2. highway sounds so lame in this sentence, kaido!!

#Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN)