wysi translations

Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN) Chapter 43

Love, Idiots, and Geniuses

tl: deepl & diced

 Flamm and her group left Sheol Village with the dozens of surviving 「Originists」.

 Soon, Nect would inform the church that the village had been destroyed.

 When that happened, church knights or something like that would come in droves, erase any trace of them, and - there was a possibility that even the survivors would be dealt with.

 No matter how much they were 「Originists」, they could not leave such people alone.

 They acted with this in mind.

Thea's body was wrapped in Eterna's water magic so that it would not be damaged, and was transported to the royal capital by the guild.

 Kinder and Claudia's bodies did not need to be retrieved because she had blown them up without leaving any trace.

 The group was headed for Meer, the nearest town to the guild.

 It was a large town with a population of about 2,000, and it may have been possible to protect the survivors there.

 Gadio, on the other hand, had split off from Flamm and the others and had headed for the royal capital by himself.

In his hand, he held the documents entrusted to Milkit by Dafiz.

 The Church would quickly try to cover up the incident.

They needed to ask Welcy to make it all public before they could get their hands on it.

 A march with survivors would take a long time, but alone he could return to the royal capital faster than a carriage.

 It was late afternoon when he handed the material to Welcy and finished explaining the situation.

The article would then be transcribed, printed, and distributed in the royal capital at night - and the next morning, the people of the royal capital would know everything that had happened in Sheol Village.


In the evening, Gadio returned to his home.

 Walking through the gate and onto the cobblestones leading to the mansion, he found a woman sitting in front of the front door.

 It was Celena.

She noticed Gadio's footsteps and looked up, with a smile on her face.

 But her lips were trembling.

Her eyes were moist with tears, and the words she had prepared were not coming out properly.

 So she had no choice but to greet him in a conventional way.

"......Welcome back."

 This was much more piercing to Gadio's heart than the words he had thought of.



  However, blaming it on guilt and not rewarding Celena for her good health would be nothing more than complacency.

If he really felt bad, he should tell her the words she wanted to hear.

 No matter how much it results in blaming himself, that was the greatest punishment of all.

"I'm home, Celena."

 When she heard Gadio's words, she stood up.

 Then, as if approaching with unsteady steps, she buried her face in his chest.

 His arms embraced her back.

Feeling each other's body heat, Gadio had a somewhat tormented expression on his face.


The next morning, Flamm and four others returned to the royal capital late.

 As they walked side by side along the main street of the central district, they noticed a different atmosphere from the usual noisy one.

 The newspapers distributed by Welch's Press were in the hands of people passing by, and they were talking about it.

 The operation seemed to have worked.

 Then - it seemed that the church would immediately issue a statement in rebuttal, but they had their reasons for not being able to do so.

 A number of documents were recovered from Satyllus's hidden room.

 Documents stamped with the Church's seal, entrusted to Milkit by Dafiz.

 Furthermore, there was the testimony of an 「Originist」 who had escaped from Sheol Village.

 These three pieces of evidence were the key to the article's persuasive power.

Some people who originally distrusted the 「Originists」 instigated a protest that surrounded the church.

 In addition, an assault on a priest occurred, resulting in a clash between church knights and participants, and many people were injured.

As time passed, the situation grew increasingly tense.

 The higher ups were forced to react - and as a result, two days after the article was published, Cardinal Satouki Ranagarki made a statement in the chapel of the cathedral in the North Ward, shortly after noon.

 He acknowledged the existence of 「Necromancy」 and human experimentation on corpses that had been conducted by the Church, pledged that it would not happen again, and apologized profusely.

 He also revealed that he had already disposed of Fermo Fimio, who was responsible for this, and Slovanak Seity, who had illegally purchased drugs from Satyllus.

 The punishment was ten years in prison in addition to deprivation of the cardinal's position.

 The heavier punishment than they had imagined caused the protesters to sigh.

 But Satouki's speech did not end there.

He also stated that the incident was caused by "hubris" within the church.

 For the same reason, he promised to reduce the fees for medical services provided by priests and nuns, a symbol of such conceit.

 A few people slammed this as a performance to avoid criticism.

 Others questioned why the statement was not made by Pope Fedro Maximus or the rumored next Pope, Toizzo Truccio.

 For the majority of people, however, the incident that took place in a rural town such as Sheol Village was of no concern.

 The participants' voices had somehow shifted from complaints about the incident to complaints about the Church.

 They received an apology from the Church, the disposition of the cardinal, and a reduction in the cost of medical care.

 They were satisfied with their victory, and the turmoil came to an end for the time being.


Flamm and her friends gathered at Reach's mansion and sat on the sofa in the drawing room, waiting for Welcy to return from the cathedral.

 When she told them about Satouki's statement, they all looked thoughtful.

 Ink, however, was tilting her head next to Eterna, as if she didn't quite understand.

 Among them, Reach in particular seemed surprised at the disposition of the two cardinals.

"What in the world was Satouki thinking when he put two cardinals under imprisonment ......?"

"Besides the unimaginable punishment, 「Necromancy」 is an experiment on the dead, so they are trying to minimize the damage to the Church's image by giving the impression that they are not experimenting on living people."

Eterna calmly analyzed the situation, but Reach, perhaps out of impatience, quickly rebutted.

"But the cardinal is the most senior official of the church, and if two of them are missing, the organization cannot avoid a decline in its functionality. I can't help but think that there was some other purpose."

Maybe it's a factional war, since there seems to have been some conflict among the cardinals?"

 Welcy stood and looked at her notebook.

"Reach, is Satouki Lanagarki the head of the Church's knighthood?"

"Yes, that's right. He is rumored to have strong ties to the kingdom's military."

 Reach answered Flamm's question with an additional explanation.

 Satouki has strong ties to the military and is often referred to as an "un-churchman".

 He is a realist, for better or worse.

 He has an ideology that does not fit in with a religious organization that worships Origin, but that is why he is indispensable to the church.

I wonder if he is the one who decided on the content of this statement.

"I don't know, I can't say for sure...... but it's possible."

 After a pause, Reach continued speaking.

"Pope Fedoro and Cardinal Toizzo are the ones who created the current constitution of the Church, and it is unlike them to readily admit the existence of 「Necromancy.」 Also, the one remaining cardinal, Cardinal Tarci, oversees the medical field. That means he wouldn't want to do anything like rate reductions."

"So, by process of elimination, Satouki's initiative was the one to go through."

 Gaddio nodded.

"Does that mean that this Satouki guy kicked out his rivals so that he could become Pope?"

 Milkit remarked in a hushed voice.

 It was Welcy, not Reach, who answered.

"I think that's very likely - the speech he gave would have increased his presence."

"But with Toizzo remaining, it would be difficult for Satouki to become pope under the current circumstances."

"I wonder, then, if he's thinking of kicking the rest of the cardinals out of office, too. But, you know what else is bothering me?"

 Welcy looked at a page in her notebook and traced a name on it with his finger.

"The woman who was present at the speech. The others were all familiar faces, but she was the only one I couldn't find anything on."

"What was her name?"

 Reach asked.

"Echidna Ipeira."

 Eterna responded to the name with a twitch of her hand.

 She glanced at Gadio's face.

 He was staring into the void with murderous eyes.

"Echidna ...... leader of 「Chimera」 ......."

 In a hushed voice, Gadio said.

In other words - the enemy of Thea and the others.

"「Chimera」 is, as I recall, the one that was mentioned in the documents brought to us by Sheol Village, right?

"Yeah, it's a research project to implant a core into the body of a monster and use it as a powerful weapon."

"The other is a connection with Satuki. It was Satouki, of all people, who expelled Fahmo, who had been taking care of her."

 Without Fahmo, the remaining 「Children」 and even the 「Chimera」 would be in a bad position in the church.

 They may resent him, but they would never feel indebted to him.

 Moreover, the fact that Echidna was present at the speech means that she had the trust of Satouki as well.

"Weapons ......Maybe Satouki is trying to get his revenge."

 Reach remarked, all eyes focused on him.

 Flamm tilted her head, asking:


"Yes, he inherited his current position and ground from his father. I've heard that his father had something to do with the start of the human-demon war.

"You mean he is using the chimera to seek revenge against the demon tribe?"

"This is just hypothetical, but in order to do so, he'd need to be as powerful as the Pope."

This is -- the human desire.

 At the very least, Flamm felt that Satouki's movements were not the same as the 「Origin」's will.

"Well, there have been some shady moves, but the two cardinals have been disposed of and the Church's credibility has been damaged, so I think we can be honestly happy about that."

Flamm and her team's actions were able to undermine the Church.

 「Necromancy」 had disappeared, and with Fahmo gone, 「Children」 are less likely to move.

 That was a certain fact.

"So, I have arranged a sumptuous dinner for you all today, if you would like to join us."

"Can I join you, onii-san?"

"Of course you can."


Welcy threw her hands up in the air, jubilant.

"Of course, I'll be the host."


 But she was instantly pushed down, her hands still up in the air and only her face was tear-stained.

 Flamm and the others chuckled as her cheerfulness softened the atmosphere.

 Of course, there was no reason for them to decline.

 They all enjoyed the party and stayed up late into the night.

However, Gadio occasionally showed a gloomy expression, but ...... they could not do anything but leave it alone.


 As it grew late into the night, Flamm and the others returned home.

 Finally, the 「Necromancy」 case was over, and their shoulders could relax.

 After getting ready for bed, they went to their respective rooms, where Ink sat on the edge of the bed and was hugged by Eterna from behind for some reason.

 And for some reason, Eterna was sniffing Ink's scent.

"...... Eterna, what are you doing?"

"I'm smelling you."

"I'm asking you what the purpose of this is!"

"It's become a habit."

"I knew you were a pervert ah!"

Even though she said that, Ink didn't resist.

It was because her body understands that it was useless to try.

 Eterna, in spite of her appearance, had quite strong arms.

 Although she said, "Compared to Flamm, its nothing", there was a world of difference between Flamm and Ink(a frail civilian).

"I wonder if it is just me who feels that Eterna is getting closer to her after the incident in Sheol."

"I don't think it's just your imagination, I'm actually getting closer."

"She's aware of it. ......"

"It's because I'm lonely."

 Kinder and Claudia had been back.

 The time spent with the two may have been a fake.

 But it was not "impossible" if a complete recreation of their personalities had succeeded.

 If Eterna had not left them and continued to live in the village, what would have happened?

 If Eterna had visited them before they died?

 It was impossible to do anything but speculate.

 But it was all a lie, and too well done to be dismissed as such.

"For all that, they were relentless."

 There was no trace of the bodies.

 Ink had heard only the sounds, but Eterna, of her own volition, had obliterated them before Kinder and Claudia could begin their rampage.

"Ink was there. She reminded me of the voices and smells of living people. And maybe ...... a visit to the grave would have been nice."

"What do you mean?"

"At that point I had said goodbye to my father and mother. There was closure."

 So she could accept death as death.

"But you were still lonely. You're trying to fill that loneliness with me, aren't you?"

"That's how it happens."

 As she said this, Eterna lay down on the bed with Ink rolled in.

"Wa- wait a minute, aren't you being too pushy!"

 The two found themselves in a frontal embrace.

"You spoiled fifty year old!"

 Ink poked the witch with an index finger on her forehead, who was looking straight ahead with a clear face.


 It was hard to tell which of them was older than the other.

 But Eterna was still proud of herself.

"I'm not fifty, I'm sixty."

"That's even worse!"

 When she made such a remark, Eterna laughed happily, and Ink laughed, too.

 As long as they talked, she didn't have to remember.

As long as she was smiling, she could forget about the pain.

 At least until the scars healed.

 The days when Eterna was spoiled by the younger girl seemed to continue for a while.


Flamm touched Milkit's slightly flushed cheek as if to check the feeling of the bandage as it fell on the bed.

Then she laid a soft, warm palm on top of that cheek, and they sat down on the bed and looked at each other for a long time as usual.

"By the way, Milkit, didn't you say something to me when we were running away in Sheol?"

 Flamm asked, suddenly remembering.

"Ah, that? I've always wondered what I should call my relationship with the master."

"Not partners?"

"I'm glad to hear that too, but I was wondering if you could be more specific."

 Flamm, who had been satisfied with the status quo, only realized it when she was told.

 Indeed, the word "partner" may have been rather abstract.

"So, I finally found the answer to that question when I was talking with Dafiz after Master was gone."

"I was curious about that too, can you tell me?"


 Milkit put her hands on her chest.

Naturally, Flamm's hands left her body and she sank into the futon to support her own body.

 A gaze directed straight at her.

 The beauty of Milkit's eyes had not changed since they had first met.

However, her silver hair had regained its luster, her skin had improved in color, and her body had become much more feminine and rounded.

Looking at her in all, she had become much prettier than she had been back then, and Flamm couldn't help but admire her.

 Milkit's peach-colored lips opened and she spoke.

"I love you Master."

 She declared with a big smile, and Flamm's thoughts come to a complete halt.

 "I love you."

 What love is, l o v e.

(tl note: it says love in japanese then love in english - how tf am i supposed to translate that

Meep: suki dayo )

"L o v e as in -- not just a partner a partner, but a marital partner--"

"W, wwww, wa, wa!"


"Wait, wait, wait, Milkit! Wait, wait, it's too sudden, my brain can't keep up!"

 Flamm's face had turned bright red.


 Still, she plunged her face into the pillow to do something about her overheating head.

 A sweet scent, not her own, tickled her nostrils.

 It was Milkit's pillow.

Her body temperature rose even higher, and her beating heart pumped hot blood throughout her body.


Flamm, who made a strange noise, immediately looked up and this time plunged her face into the futon.

Milkit wasn't able to hide her bewilderment at the Lord, who suddenly began to move like a broken toy.

"Um, did I ...... say something strange?"

"It, it's not that it's strange, but I was surprised when you suddenly said l- l- love."

"Surprised, huh? I think love is the most appropriate word to describe my feelings towards you, Master."

With her face buried in the covers, she turned her gaze only to Milkit.

She was so unashamed that Flamm felt stupid for being flustered all alone.

"...... hm?"

 Flamm noticed.

 She wondered if Milkit's definition of "love" was not be the same as the romantic kind.

"Hey, Milkit, if by any chance ......?"

"Y- Yeah?"

"Your I love you is different from wanting to be my girlfriend or something like that, right?"

"G- gg- ggggg- girlfriend!?"

 This time was Milkit's turn to turn red.

Her cheeks were dyed like strawberries.

She was even flushed around the ears and collarbones.

"H- How did you come to that conclusion?"

"No, after all "I love you" is a word that is usually used in such situations."1

"No its not!? No...... come to think of it, it is...... that way, isn't it......"

Her voice gradually toned down.

 In line with this, Milkit's body tilted to the side - and she lied down as it is.

  Then she covered her face with her hands and froze.

"I didn't mean ...... that, no, it's not that I don't like it, I definitely do, ...... but, then, what can I say...? ..."

"Well, well, there are many kinds of love, aren't there? You know, love of family, love of friendship, and so on! In that sense, sure, I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves Milkit. ......"

She couldn't let Milkit be the only one to be embarrassed.

Determined to do so, Flamm sat up, placed her tightly clenched fists on her thighs, and with an expression that could not hide her nervousness, she told her.

"I love you, alright?"

 But if asked if that were familial love, Flamm would shake her head.

 The answer to this question was not the same as friendship, and if so, what kind of love?

"......Thank you. But ...... ah really, it's more embarrassing to be told that."

"It's embarrassing to say too."

"I'm sorry to embarrass the master. But I'm troubled. If it were ......, how would I convey these feelings of mine?"

 She thought she finally had an answer.

 Milkit still didn't know any other words to say than "I love you."

 Flamm approached her on all fours and touched the hand that covered her face.


 Milkit looked between her fingers at the touch.

 Flamm's face, which she could see from there, was still red, but she looked much calmer than before.

 She smiled at Milkit.

"I like you, Milkit."

 She said.

Her heart pounded in her chest, but at the same time, she felt a tightening sensation.

Yet, it was not painful, but pleasant.

"I think "I like you" is fine. "I love you" is too strong, you know?" 2

It wasn't at all embarrassing, so she felt she could say it without hesitation.

 Milkit's face was still bright red, and unlike Flamm, she had not regained her composure.

However, in order to return the favor of her Master, she made eye contact and conveyed her thoughts.

"Well, then...... I, too, like you Master."

 Flamm nodded.


"Ehehe ......."

 And then she smiled.

They seemed to be communicating with each other, and that made her irresistibly happy.

"Fufu ......."

 So she smiled in the same way and repeated again.

"I like you a lot, Master."

 Flamm hugged her as she said this.

 The exchange of just those words made her unavoidably happy and happy.

 It was not familial bonds.

 It was not friendship.

It was a warm and unknown feeling that penetrated deep into her heart.

 It was like a liquid, yet round like a sphere.

 It was an irreplaceable treasure that she acquired only after meeting Milkit.

It was a seed that grew inside of her with every touch, a seed that would surely blossom into a beautiful flower.

Flamm herself still didn't know the name of this feeling, but she thought that it would be okay to keep it as it is for a while.


 The next morning, a man visited the guild in the West Ward.

 Flamm and Gadio were not there yet.

 Iira, who happened to be an early riser, was elbow deep in boredom at the counter - but his arrival woke her up at once.

 The tall, slender, green-haired man was a celebrity even she knew well.

"Linus Radiance......"

 Linus visited the guild and smiled at Iira, showing his white teeth.

 She almost fell over holding her chest, but her role as a receptionist would not allow it.

"Hey, I heard that Gadio is in the guild here."

"If you mean the master, he hasn't come out yet."

Iira played the cat in the face of a man who was right up her alley.

"I knew it, it was too soon. ...... But why did he take on the job of guild master in the West Ward again?"

"I think it's because ...... Flamm Apricot was there."

"What? Why is Flamm here?"

"I don't know what's going on, but she's got the mark of a slave on her cheek for some reason, and I think she's gotten himself into some trouble."

"...... slave mark?"

 Linus' expression turned serious.


 When Flamm suddenly announced that she was going back to the countryside, she had thought it was strange.

 But now he finally understood why.

 He left the counter and headed for the exit without saying a word.

"Ara? Is the master okay?"

"Just tell him I'm here, I've got other business."

 Linus said and walked out.

"That idiot did ...... to her!"

 He kicked hard enough to dent the stone ground and began to move at a blinding speed.

 A woman who passed by him fell down just from the shockwave.

 Linus stopped, reached out his hand to apologize to the person, and this time moved to the roof.

He then ran through the high place without any obstacles, like a bird flying around.

 He was headed, of course, for the room of Jean Intage, who was drinking and working on his research at the royal castle.

<-previous chapter |TOC| next chapter->

Feedback for dicedmangoes or meepilee

i am retarded i do not remember like half these names mentioned at the beginning!!!

Meep: don't mind him he tried to put on Flamm's equipment and now he has -2000 Intel. Fixed the names, but I'm likely not gonna be able to post 44 on time, or if I do it will be a part one, diced might have to do 44 if the essay goes horribly

well anyways hope you enjoyed the many happenings in this chapter, the past few chapters have had less of the pov switching, so its a nice return after all the battling with chill yuri

  1. milkit uses 愛してる (aishiteru) which is something that you would only say to like your wife while you are on your deathbed or getting married or something

  2. she's now saying 好き (suki) which is the normal word for love.

#Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN)