wysi translations

Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN) Chapter 44


tl: deepl & diced & meepilee


 Jean asked himself.

 "Why should I buy flowers for someone else?"

"Why did I, the great man that I am, even buy a new robe for someone else?"

 "Why did I, a great genius, dress up for someone else?"

 "Why am I, the great genius, fidgeting in front of the mirror to get my hair done just because a stranger is visiting my room?"

"Nervousness is ridiculous."

 He said this, but walked around his room busily.

 He might have taken out a book on magical theory from the bookshelf, but put it back just by looking at the cover.

 He picked up a pen on the desk, observed it without meaning to, and put it back again.

 He would adjust the place on the chair, stand in front of the mirror again to check his appearance, then sit down and try to calm down for a moment, but then quickly get up and start walking again.

"It's ...... ridiculous."

 "I thought I was beyond such trival things" Knock-knock.

 Jean's movements came to an abrupt halt when he heard a knock on the door. He swallowed hard and his throat gurgled.

"Come in"

 The first syllable of the word rose a bit.

 To cover it up, he coughed shyly.

He then made a determined face and welcomed the visitor to the room.

The doorknob turned and the shiny wooden door opened.

 The person who appeared was not Cyrille, whom he had been waiting for, but Linus.

"What is it, Linus? I'm sorry, but if you need me, you can find me later, I have an appointment with someone else right now."

 Before Jean could finish, Linus' fist slammed into his cheek.

 The blow, which was delivered not only with force but also with weight and a twist, shook and distorted Jean's face violently.

 Splashes sprayed from his open mouth, his neck twisted, and when it reached its limit, the remaining impact blew his body itself apart.

 Jean collapsed, hitting the desk from behind.

 He put his hand to his bruised cheek and glared at Linus.

"What the hell was that!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

 Linus grabbed him by the chest this time and brought his face so close to his chest that their foreheads met.

"What have you done to Flamm?"

 Hearing this, Jean snickered.

"What the hell did you do to Flamm?"

"What the hell did you do?"

"What is there to be so frustrated about? You are useless, but but at least you are moral support, and you treated the hero Cyrille in a friendly manner. And yet I went to the trouble of giving her the status she deserved, didn't I? I should be praised, not abused."

"How can you say that after using illegal means?"

"Sometimes my thoughts are more correct than the law."

 There was no trace of remorse in his expression.

He seriously believed, from the bottom of his heart, that what he had done was right. That is the kind of man Jean Intage was.

He was selfish to the point of greed and self-indulgence, and that is why he was a genius, but he did not understand the hearts of people.

"Don't be a fool! Do you know how hard it is for such a weak girl to live as a slave in this royal city?"

"Yes, I know. It's the price I pay for having lived so leniently protected by others until now."

"You’ve been living under the thumb of others for so long, you can't say that!"

"What do you mean, ......?""

 Jean's eyebrows twitched.

 That's the only thing he couldn't ignore.

 He had no idea what he was talking about, because nobody had ever dared question his status.

 On the other hand, Linus had had to clean up his mess many times in his own experience.

 How many people without Linus' follow-up, would have punched Jean in the face?

 There was a gap in perception between the two of them that was a great river apart.

 Jean's anger was not justified - yet it was inevitable that he would be angry as long as he believed in his own righteousness.

“When and where? Who the hell are you to say that I have been saved by anyone?"

"Who the hell are you? You're only good at causing trouble in your relationships with people! You may be good at magic, you may be smart. But you are fatally--"

 Linus pounded his chest with his fist and said with a stronger tone.

"Unable to see anything but yourself!"

 That was the root of the problem.

 Jean wouldn't understand or try to understand other people's feelings.

 If only he could fix that, Jean would truly be a "wise man."

Linus' words were right and true, and no one could argue with them except Jean himself.


"What’s so funny!"

"Look, Linus, I'm a genius. I am the man with the best brain in the world. I am the man who should stand at the top of all people! Am I not the most valuable thinker on the planet? Why should I devote the resources of the most precious brain cells on this planet to someone else! That is the greatest loss! My first priority should be to use this brain for me and me alone, do you understand?"

"Do you understand? There's no one else in the world who can understand how you can be so stuck-up about yourself!"

 The argument between the two men continued to run parallel and showed no sign of ending. Linus' words would not make Jean feel sorry for himself.

 But Linus' anger would not abate until he heard Jean's words of remorse.

 The push and shove continued indefinitely, gradually escalating.


 Cyrille was on her way to Jean's room, holding a note that was wedged in her doorstep.

"Come to my room today, whatever time you want."

 Her stomach churned at the sight of such a bullish sentence.

 To be honest, Cyrille had never been good at dealing with Jean.

 At first, she had relied on him as someone she could consult with when she felt crushed under the weight of responsibility.

 If she obeyed him, she didn't have to think for herself, and it made her feel better.

 But as a result - she lost Flamm.

 After that, she hated to even look at Jean's face.

 It wasn't Cyrille herself who had done the terrible thing to Flamm.

 But she was also the one who caused it.

 But the thought of putting the blame on ...... others consumed Cyrille's heart with remorse.

 Why did she refuse to bear the blame alone, even though she was the one who treated her as such?

 She was a dear friend, and without her, she would have retired long ago.

 Why did I - why did I - betray such a Flamm?

"I'm sorry, Flamm. ......"

Words she had repeated over and over again.

 The fact that she was so conveniently trying to think that she could be forgiven just by saying them, using them as an excuse, made Cryille hate herself even more.

She couldn't hold back the feelings that welled up in her and crumpled the note that Jean had given her.

"Hah. ......."

 Then he sighed heavily and looked forward.

 Jean's room was only a few steps away.

She didn't know what Jean was going to talk about, but she would try to finish quickly and then lock herself in her room to relax.

 As she was thinking that...

"What the hell are you wearing?"

She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard a noisy voice coming from inside the room.

"What the hell am I wearing, is it so wrong to dress for a special occasion?"

"I've been thinking for a while now that you're seriously in love with Cyrille."

"Yeah, I am. You have a problem with that?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! How can you say such a thing after you stole Flamm from her? What's more, that bouquet of flowers on the desk, did you intend to confess your feelings to her today?"

"......Yes, that's right. I'm not sure what to do with it. I'm not sure it'll work out, but I'm sure its possible."

"Of course it's impossible, you virgin bastard!"

"I just couldn't find a woman worthy of me other than Cyrille!"

 One is Jean, the other is ...... Linus, she guessed.

 The other one was Jean, but she couldn't say for sure because his tone was so different from her usual one.

The other one was Linus, the archer on the party.

"That woman Maria, she's got a gut that's as slimy and stagnant as if her guts were boiled in her own blood!"

"What the ......?"

"You have no discernment. I think her brain is a full course of scheming, adulterous and devious! She's a rotten bitch who pretends to treat others but disrespects even this lone genius, Jean Intage!"

"You think I don't know about ......?"


"I know, I know she's that kind of woman and I'm in love with her. How do you think you'll be able to date Cyrille with your personality? I'm not like you who sold Flamm off as a slave just because she was inconvenient for you."

 Cyrille's mind went blank and she forgot to even breathe.

 Her eyes widened and she stood there in silence.

 Jean's crumpled note fell on the carpeted floor in a bulky mess.

 The other contents were shocking, but there was one word that shocked her more than anything else.

 "--Flamm is a ...... slave, now?"

 All along, she had thought it was her fault that she had gone back to the country.

 Just because of that, Cryille kept blaming herself to the point of wanting cease living.

 When she found out that she had not really even returned to her hometown and had been sold as a slave - there was no way she could bear it.

 Like anemia, the blood quickly drained from her entire body.

 Finally, she was able to breathe again, but her lungs were shaking and she could not take in oxygen properly.

 Her strength drained from her body, and she fell to her knees.

She hugged herself with both arms, her head bobbing from side to side in small increments.

I felt a strange, shuddering sensation in my chest, "That ...... is such a ...... my, my fault, Flamm is ......."

 Her teeth clicked, and her vision blurred with tears.

"Flamm is ...... ah, Flamm is ...... ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah."

She was going to kill herself right there and now if she didn't speak it out loud.

 It's not worth living.

"Aaahh...... I, I, ah!"

 The lamentation gradually became louder and louder - and reached Linus and Jean, who had been grappling with each other in the room.

 They stopped their arm that was about to hit each other, and at the same time, they looked out of the room.

Jean," Linus said, "I was just going to tell Cryille. You said earlier that you were going to welcome Cryille, didn't you?"


"Did you mean to say that now?"

"That's what I said."

 Linus released Jean and hurriedly peeked out the open door.

 There she saw Cryille, sobbing and broken down.

 In fact, he was supposed to tell her at a more opportune time.

 He knew it would be too much of a shock to Cyrille, who was already mentally unstable.

Linus slowly walked over to her, "Hey, Cryille, ......, why don't you come and talk to me for a minute?"

 Linus slowly walked up to her.

"Oh ...... oh ......."

 Kiril looked up at him in horror and backed away.

"What you said earlier was, how do you say, that ......

A lie, what is it?"

"I mean, it's ...... true, but..."

"Then, after all, Flamm is a slave ...... because of me.

"Don't blame yourself so much, it's your fault--"

"I'm ...... no longer with anyone. ...... I don't deserve it. ......"

"Please, Cryille, listen to me!"

 Linus speaks as gently as possible, but desperately.

 But no matter he could put it, the fact remained.

 Flamm had become a slave.

 In no small part, Cryille was responsible for that.

 That was enough.

"Ugh, ugh ...... ahhhhh!"

 She got up and left him on all fours, and then she got up and went away, screaming.

 Linus thought about going after her- but I couldn't find the words to say, and she was already gone from the hallway, running as fast as she could.

 Linus could only stand there with his head in his hands.

 Then, Jean came out of the room, looking horrified.

"Linus, why was she crying?"

 Jean asked in his usual tone.

 Linus clenched his fists and turned toward him, his anger flaring again.

That's what you did!

"Me? I don't understand, why is she saddened by the loss of someone like Flamm?"With all that talent and power, why would she be so turned on by a diminutive being?"

"Huh. ......"

 Linus sighed, his shoulders slumping as he realized that it was no longer worth getting angry about.

 The only thing that would help him is if he tried to teach Jean some common sense.

 That is why he is a loner, he has lost the ability to understand others at the cost of being a genius.

"I don't need to tell Jean any more," Linus said.

 Linus turned his back to Jean after saying these words.

 Seeing his forlorn appearance, Jean finally reached a possibility.

"You don't mean to tell me that the Great Me... has made a mistake, do you?"

 The muffled murmur never reached anyone's ears.


 With nowhere to go, Cyrille ran through the castle and locked herself in the room she had been given.

She jumped into bed, covered herself with the covers, and squeezed her eyes shut so she wouldn't see anything. If she didn't pretend that even her existence was not there, her mind would be crushed.

'What I ...... did. It's my fault, it's my fault, I, I, I ......!"

Still, guilt slipped through the cracks of unconsciousness and struck Cyrille.

「I wish I would just disappear.

 I wish I had the power of a hero, the magic to make myself disappear.

 I wish that from the bottom of my heart.」

 As she mourned, suffered, and sobbed, the saint whispered to her.

"I have a good way to release you from that suffering, Cyrille-san."

 Hearing her voice, she rushed out of the covers and found Maria standing by the bed, smiling gently at her.

 She hadn't locked the door, for that matter.

"I knocked several times, but there was no answer, only your voice, so I took the liberty of entering. I am sorry."

 Maria bowed deeply.

Cyrille said to herself in her mind that she was a person who did not deserve to be apologized to.

"By the way, where is the 「Core」 I gave you the other day?"

"The 「Core」? Ah, ......, those gems are in the bottom drawer of my desk."

"I see you didn't use it. What a waste. If only you had the power to use it, all of Cyrille's problems would be solved."

 Saying this, Maria opened Cyrille's desk drawer and took out the 「Core」.

She stared at the black swirling core with an enraptured expression.

"You saw my battle and Jean's battle in the demon territory, didn't you? That's the power this 「Core」 has."

"So ...... its like that."

"If you use this, Cyrille, you will be able to fight like you used to ...... and you won't have any more worries."

Maria approached again and tried to hand the core to Cyrille.

 But her words gradually became broken.

"A- anyway, it's a great power, so.... Cyrille, you should ...... use it, too. ......"


 Cyrille looked at her anxiously as she staggered back and forth.

"Oh, my God. ......? What is this? There's this ...... thing, there's supposed to be ......."

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone with recovery magic?"

 Maria was originally supposed to be in that role, but if she is not feeling well, she needed to call another priestess.

 Cyrille got off the bed and touched her body to support her.


 At that time, out of nowhere, a wet sound was heard.

"Ba- baka,...... why, I,......."

 She didn't hear Cyrille's words, or she didn't reply.

"Maria-san, I’m gonna call for someone to come from--"

Unable to wait, Cyrille made a rash decision to leave the room.

 Bujuu, bechaa-

 Then she heard a similar sound from behind her.

 Cyrille turned around and saw blood splattered on the floor.

 From the location, it could've been spit out from Maria's mouth.

 This might be more important than she thought - Cyrille's face turns pale.

 Buchuu, becha. Buchuu becha.

Clearly, she noticed something was wrong.

The amount of blood, she wondered if it was possible for a person to spit out such a large amount of blood from their mouth.


She looked at her face fearfully - through the gap between her covering hands, she could see something red, as if it were covered with her internal organs.

"...... Maria, san."

Not only her hands, but also the collar of her robe was coated with a large amount of blood, and she continued to eject additional blood.

 It was not Maria's gentle, smiling face.

 It was a writhing, dancing swirl of flesh, reminiscent of the torso of a man with an open abdomen.

"This can't be ........."

"Ah, ...... aaah, mo- monster ......, no, Maria-san is ...... !"

 Even if she was upset about Flamm.

 Being shown something like this - it caused unbearable fear filled Cyrille and exceeded her capacity.

 She reached her limit and her emotions exploded like a balloon bursting.

"This is ...... no way ....... no way ...... iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

 Her screams echoed through the hallway, as she fled.

 Without looking aside, Cyrille ran out of the room, through the corridors of the castle, and out into town.

 Her speed was fast because she was a hero, but in any case, no one was chasing her.

 Maria, who had turned into a deformed woman, was so bewildered by her situation that she was unable to move on the spot.

 Katsu, katsu, katsu.

 The sound of hard heels hitting the floor through the carpet approached the room.

And the woman in white - Echidna - looked down at the suffering Maria from the entrance and lifted her lips.

"Ara ara, what happened to you, Saintess-sama, that made you look so unsightly? "...... E, chid, na. You ...... that 「core」what is it ......!"

"It is a high-performance core made by 「Chimera」, which is designed to block the user from the influence of 「Origin」 to the utmost limit, and only draws out its power. Normally, there should be no side effects."

 Echidna brought her face close to the writhing vortex of flesh, and saying it as if she is provoking it.

"I think I may have mistakenly given you a core that was adjusted for monsters."

"Guh....... so in short. From the beginning, you, were........!"

"Fufufufufufufuf, fufufufufu, Ufufufufufufufufu!"

The evil woman looked down on the evil woman with a pleasant sneer.

Spinning around, fluttering her white robe, and distancing herself from Maria, Echidna spoke the truth.

"「Origin」, 「faith」, 「omens」, 「unsealing」 ...... fufufu, that's below me, that's disgusting."

"What do you mean?"

"Its the 「Originists」 long-cherished wish, but to be honest, I and Satouki-sama don't care about it. I would rather destroy them."

"I don't ...... think that such a thing ...... can be allowed!"

The purpose of 「Origin」 is to end all life on earth except for its own, right? We, good human beings, have no merit to be a part of it, do we? And yet, the king, the pope, some cardinals, and even the saints have been brainwashed."

 The "omens" from 「Origin」 that began fifty years ago were sent out to those who held important positions in the kingdom.

 The previous king and the previous pope were also influenced by it.

However, they whispered it to the current kings and popes ever since they were born.

 In Maria's case, however, it was not brainwashing, but her hatred of humans and demons that led her to lend her power to 「Origin」 of her own volition.

"So, first of all, I will ask you to leave."

"So, let's get the other cardinal to ......! You, and ...... Satouki, are ...... taking over this kingdom in order ...... to ......"

"Yes, and to make it stronger, bigger, and happier, a country of humans by humans and for humans but--a monster like you is in my way."

 Saying this, Echidna snapped her fingers.

 Then, out of nowhere, a monkey-like monster appears.

 But it had wings on its back, limbs as thick as an ogre's, and a human face.

"This is a prototype small chimera. Satouki-sama said that she would not experiment on humans, so we can't make the same one anymore, but it's quite a good one, you know? It's are obedient and strong."

"Agguu ......!"

 The small chimera bound Maria's hands and dragged her away.

"Uuu,...... I'm still...... still......!"

 Maria let out a frustrated cry as she spat out blood from her face.

But the 「Core」was too much for her body, and she was unable to resist.

 She was then taken away somewhere in her disfigured state, staining the carpet with blood.

 Echidna, seeing her in such an unbecoming state, continued to laugh, "fufufufu" in a good mood throughout the whole process.

 After that day, Cyrille and Maria went missing, and Linus stopped showing up at the castle.

Jean was locked up in his room by himself and never showed up.

 Of course, there was no way they could form a party and set out on a journey to defeat the Demon King.

 In other words, the party of heroes chosen by 「Origin」, the creator god, had completely collapsed.

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Feedback for dicedmangoes or meepilee

diced: this time we both worked on it, should be more consistently translated now in terms of style

#Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN)