wysi translations

Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN) Chapter 48


tl: deepl & mep

(T/N: Man I have no idea what these titles mean, I feel like half of them dont relate to the plot at all, anyway enjoy! Also happy new year)


 'I thought that if I slept, I could forget the bad things.

 But when one is truly depressed, not even sleep can bring peace.'

 The nightmares came upon Cyrille like a flood.


 Cyrille pretended to be pleased.

 But who would want such a thing?

 The worse a person's conduct is, the more they are held in high esteem by those around them.

 The worse a student's attitude is, the more the teacher loves him or her.

 Human beings are like that.

 It was better not to have expectations.

 Because no matter how much better you are than others, if you don't live up to them, the people around you will be cold.

"It's amazing that you were chosen by Origin-sama, Cyrille."

 For several years, he had been learning how to grow potatoes from his parents.

 The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time.

 It was fun.

 "Today, I'm going to use the produce to make sweets and serve them to my parents."

 They would laugh and say, "Delicious," and pat Kiril's head.

 I was happy.

"Don't worry about it, you'll do your part," my father said happily.

 My father said happily.

 Mother nodded.

 Cyrille forced a smile in order to meet their expectations, and replied.

 At that time, I wondered if something would have been different if I had cried and said, "I really don't want to do this."

 I had such a bad dream.

 I woke up.

 The bad reality was spreading.

 Cyrille, lying on the hard, cold ground, opened her eyes dimly.

 Although it was morning, it was dark and chilly because she was under the shadow of a building.

 It was the back of a store on the east side of the central district.

 They had arrived at the place by looking for a place where no one could see them.

 Cyrille stared blankly at the gray landscape spread out before him.

 Observing the tiny insects crawling around desperately seeking food, he murmured, "I envy them.

 No, it must have its own struggles, but at least it is living for himself."

 But she can no longer do that.

 When she tries to act for herself, her rational mind puts a stop to it.

 She has hurt the people she cares about, betrayed the expectations of others, and run away without atoning for her sins.


 I heard Mute's voice.

 She had woken up earlier and was sitting on the ground, her back against the wall.

"......Yeah, I'm up."

 They had exchanged a few words since she met her yesterday.

 Mute continued

"People, only me. Others, wanting, understanding the truth, impossible."

 And meeting everyone's expectations is also impossible.

 But still - Cyrille was afraid of disappointment.

"Kindness, justice, anger, hatred, and all the other ...... words, different. Meaning, the same for me."

 This world is formed by the self-gratification of all people.

 Even caring for others is hypocrisy when you get right down to it.

 It is only possible as "kindness" because the channels of the giver and the receiver coincidentally coincide.

"I live for the sake of others. Someday, I will break down."

 Cyrille was now on that rail.

 Atonement for her sins and continuous blaming herself are just self-satisfaction, so to speak.

 Doing so will not heal those who have been hurt because of you.

 So, do what you want--that is what Mute continues to preach.

 Still, Cyrille did not change.

 A chain of guilt wrapped around her sinking emotions and would not allow her to emerge.

"I start. Follow me."

 With these words, Mute got up and started walking toward somewhere.

 Cyrille, still half-asleep, rubbed her swollen eyes and followed her small back.


 When I asked what they were going , Mute did not speak.

 Both of them were still dressed in their dingy robes, hoods deeply pulled over their heads, and walking with their faces hidden.

 As they approached the East Ward, the number of wealthy people began to increase, and their attire conversely attracted the attention of those around them.

 As Cyrille's eyes wandered suspiciously, Mute ran up to a man in his 20s approaching from the front.


 Cyrille was puzzled and called out to her, but Mute did not stop.

She stopped right in front of him and grabbed him by the shoulders.

 Of course, the man stared at Mute.

 But she was unmoved, and then - she activated her ability.


 There was no special, tangible change.

 But Cyrille then saw the will disappear from the man's eyes and a muffled, wet sound.

 The mute took his hand away from him and started walking again without saying a word, as if he had no more use for him.

 Cyrille followed her, looking at the man who had stopped moving.

 After that, Mute entered the park ahead of him, touching people and mumbling "sympathy," which she repeated.

"Hey Mute, what are you doing?"

 But she did not answer.

But as she looked at the people who stopped moving as soon as they were touched by Mute, she began to feel a sense of dread, as if perhaps something terrible was happening.

 Of course, Cyrille doesn't know what that was.

 So she had never even imagined that such an ability ・・・・・ existed.

 If she had known, of course, even Cyrille would have tried to stop her.

 After going around there, she left the park through a different exit from where she had entered.

 And when she moved to a position where she could check the situation in the park just in time, Mute finally turned toward Cyrille and opened his mouth.

 The neck of her robe was somehow reddish-black and damp.

"I'm ready. I'm ready to begin."

"What do you mean, ready?"

"Empathy. Connecting consciousness, subalienating it, making it identical. Consciousness, confusion. Ego, loss. From the beginning, origin, pouring. I, dominate."

"Identification? Origin? Domination? I'm sorry, let me understand--"

"I see. Then I'll show you."

 Mute said and pointed toward the park.

 Cyrille did as she asked and looked in that direction.

 Then - a man who was taking a walk suddenly started to suck his fist in his mouth.

 Of course, it would not fit in his mouth.

 Still forcefully, he pushed it in, cutting the edge of his lips, then swallows it up to his elbow, deforming his face and throat.

"...... eh?"

 Cyrille could not understand what had happened to him.

 He swallowed his own arm, had trouble breathing, and struggled in agony like a washed up fish.

 But his arm was not pulled out, and soon he choked and stopped moving.

"Dead ......?"

 The death of a person.


 It was happening right in front of my eyes, without warning.

 Perhaps because it was so unreal, Cyrille was not yet distraught.

 However, it was only in the present that the mind could be at ease.

 The woman next to the dead man suddenly starts hitting her head on the hard ground.

 Even though her forehead is cut and blood is flowing, even though she heard the sound of something being crushed, she does not stop.

 Even when her arms lose strength, she frantically rubs her head against the ground.

 The act continues until she completely exterminates herself.

"Oh ...... oh ......"

 A boy who was walking that close to her starts shredding the flesh of his own arm like bread.

 He was slurping blood, but does not seem to want to stop.

 He then grabbed a handful of it and threw it into his mouth.

 He continued to pluck and chew on several more pieces of meat.

"What is ...... happening ......?"

 The boy's mother plucked out her own eyeball with her finger and threw it away.

 The mother of the boy's mother, who was a woman of the world, had her hand forcibly inserted into the gaping hole to stir up the brain.

"Mute ......, don't tell me you're making me do that ......?"

"Yes, I made him do it."

 Even Cyrille noticed.

 And Mute answered immediately.

 What she had brought us here - what she wanted to show us - was this crazy scene.

 All over the park, people were destroying their own bodies and losing their lives.

 What is the point of such an act?

"I'll do what I want to do. I don't care about other people. I will leave a scar, a proof of my life."

"That's not right. That's not right!"

 Cyrille stared at Mute, her voice rising.

 But her face is hidden by the hood, so she couldn't see her clearly.

"There is nothing wrong, nothing. Nothing is right, nothing is wrong. I am me. I'll do what I want."

"People are dying! You can't be so selfish!"

"I don't care what other people think. I don't care how other people see me. I don't care how selfish I am. There is no reason to stop."

 She certainly said that.

 She told him not to live her life for others, but to do what he wanted.

 But Cyrille still doesn't think it's right to kill other people for the sake of it.

"Cyrille, you want me to stop. Then kill me."

"That's ......."

"You, hero, I can't win. Cyrille, I kill. I die. Others, live."

 Mute was right, Cyrille should pull out his sword.

 Just like that, some of the strangers struggling over there might survive.

 That's what a hero would do.

 But - killing her and pretending to be brave will not save Cyrille.

 Nothing will change.

 She would once again be crushed by expectations and lose hope ・・・・・.

"Ughhhh ...... ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh ......!"

 Cyrille moaned, her right arm trembling.

 The sword would never be held in the palm of that hand.

 If she did not kill Mute, she would surely feel guilty for abandoning those people.

 But if she kills Mute, she will be guilty of killing her, and she will lose her anchor and be plunged back into the darkness where there is no light and nothing.

 Whichever she chooses - it would be hell.

 The number of victims will increase even while we she was worrying.

 The only relief is that no screams of despair can be heard.

 Only the sound of flesh tearing and bones crumbling can be heard from the park.

"I can't ...... kill them, but, oh, but ...... what am I going to do!"

 Cyrille sobs as she falls to her knees.

 She stumbles through the muck and gets stuck further in.

"I'll decide, myself. It's all for me."

"But I don't know what to do about it."

 Cyrille looked up at Mute as if clinging to her.

 The face that had been hidden by the hood could be seen clearly from the bottom.


 What you see there is not the face of a quiet-looking, pouty girl.

 It is a misshapen face, as if the face had been gouged out, shaved off, and stuffed with some kind of flesh.

 Moreover, the face itself is alive and moving.

 It pulsates, crawls, spirals, twists clockwise, and spits out blood.

"It is ......."

 Cyrille exhales, and then she says no more words.

 No, not just her voice, she can't even breathe.

 Why does Mute - why does she look like Maria, the last person she saw at that time?

 Who is she, and what is her ability to manipulate people into committing suicide?

 What kind of beings are these women?

 What am I getting myself into?

"Ah ......"

 Finally, I regain my voice.

 But the mixture of red and black nausea-inducing emotions of doubt, fear, confusion, and despair-make it hard to think straight.

 Meanwhile, Mute, who had turned into a deformity, stared at Cyrille, pulsing a whirlpool of flesh in silence.

"Uh oh, ah ah ah ......"

 In my head, my consciousness, my emotions, swelled in an instant.

"Hi, hi,...... ah,ah,ah,......!"

 I have to say something.

 Her conduct should be stopped.

 It is not that such righteousness does not exist.

 But in the face of overwhelming horror, such petty righteous indignation is meaningless.

 She shakes her head in denial about what she is denying, backs away, holds her head--


 Cyrille exclaimed in a burst of emotion.


Then, her screams are suddenly cut off and she lost consciousness.

 As she looked down at Cyrille, who had collapsed and was lying on the ground, Mute's face returned to normal.


 --She heard someone's voice.

 Flamm, who had been standing still, reacted with a twitch, slapped herself on both cheeks, pulled herself together, and started to run.

 There were many bodies lying in the park, and she felt a pang of pain every time she saw one of them.

 Then, as she exited the park, she saw someone lying on the ground and a girl standing nearby.

 She has white hair, a reddish-black face swirling around her, and both hands clutching a stuffed animal in the shape of a person.

 Flamm immediately recognized her as Mute, one of the Spiral Children of the Spiral Children.

 She filled her legs with prana and accelerates to approach.

 She was ready to pull out the soul eater at any moment.

 No need to hesitate.

 Betrayed by the church, they would slaughter indiscriminately, even if they were children or not, without mercy.

 But in the process, the hood of the fallen girl shakes in the wind, exposing part of her face.

"Ee...... Cyrille-chan!"

 Flamm shouted unintentionally.

 Although he could not see her completely, with her golden hair and that face - it was probably her who had collapsed.

 Why is Cyrille, who had gone missing, with Mute?

 Regardless of the reason, we must rescue her first.

"Flamm, I won't lose."

 Mute wriggled a whirlpool of flesh and enters into a fighting stance.

 Flamm stared at her, too, and put his palm into his hand to pull out the soul eater.

"Oops, Mute. That's not good. It's too early for a decisive battle."

 Then, Nect suddenly appears in front of them.

 Flamm stops dead in her tracks.

 Mute looked at him in surprise.

"Nect, why are you here?

"The reason is that he can't leave his little sister alone when he sees her with a hero and then he sees her doing something reckless."

"...... ok."

 She easily agreed.

 Flamm, on the other hand, was watching them from a little distance with a pained look on her face.


 I'm not surprised that Nect is even here. The boy was still cocky and spoke to herin a superior manner.

"I'm glad to hear you made it out of Sheol safely, sister."

"All thanks to you. What's with that cocky look on your face"

"Well, I can't deny that it was a taunt."


    Just after he returned to the royal capital, he was attacked by the chimera.

"Satouki probably planned to do so sooner or later, because he has no faith."

 Nect's expression was irritated even as he said this.

 They had a sense of camaraderie between them.

He must be a little shocked by the death of Fouis, too.

He is sure that he is also shocked by the death of Fouis. "Origin is not so good, isn't it, that they gave their hearts and were ultimately betrayed and defeated by those without faith?"

 Flamm said this as a provocation.

 However, Nect does not move.

 Rather, he laughs at himself and says, "Ha ha ha."

"That may be so."

 And he affirms it.

 These words are unbecoming of Nect, who has devoted himself to Origin.

 He spoke more eloquently, while Flamm was surprised.

He said, "Don't look so surprised. It is not only Satouki who betrayed us and cut us off, but also Origin. We are complete pawns."

 A wistful smile appeared on his face as he spun his words.

No," he said, "it's been that way from the very beginning. I was born to be a cornerstone. The only reason I have survived this long is because of Mother's kindness. But that too will end."

 In truth, I don't want it to end--I think that's what he really thinks.

 That's why his voice trembled slightly.

"So from now on, we will indiscriminately kill the people of the Capital. We will kill them equally, without distinction or discrimination, and leave a proof of our life in this world. It's rather refreshing. At last, we can fulfill our desire not for the sake of the Origin whose faces we don't even know, but only for our own sake! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

 His laughter was empty and somewhat hollow.

"I don't know what your reasons are, but what do you mean ...... Origin abandoned you? Didn't you live your life for Origin?"

"I don't know. We don't know either. It just turned out that way, so we want to make it bloom at the end."

 He did not intend to explain in detail.

 Flamm gave up on a serious exchange and said in a voice filled with anger, "I don't understand how that means killing people."

"There must be more than one way to do that!"

"Hahaha, it's impossible. Like the chimera, we are "weapons". Like the chimera, we are "weapons" and were raised by Mother for that purpose. Do you know what is the greatest happiness for a weapon? To take another's life. If we were born to do that, we have to do it or we have no reason to live!"

 Nect, too, was defeated and emotionally discarded.

 Necromancy was just an exception, the church's project is basically to create tools for fighting.

 The actuality is that they are not an exception, and they are aware of it.

"But Ink is still a person, and she's right there with us!"

"I don't want to be lumped in with the second generation. We are the first generation, we are different."

"You're so obsessed with these incomprehensible categories that you end up dragging other people into it, and if anything, the first generation is worse!"

"She will be the only one to survive in the end, so maybe your words are not so wrong."

 Nect laughed again, self-deprecatingly.

 Flamm, who was playing along with him, had a strange feeling.

 The actuality is that there is no discomfort that is transmitted just by talking to them.

 Rather, there is a sense of anxiety that he might break down at any moment.

 It is not so much that he can afford it, but rather that he has given up on everything, that everything doesn't matter anymore, and that he is laughing...

"Well," he said. I know I've been unintentionally stalling for time with my mouthpiece, but I really can't die here. It looks like the other heroes are going to be here soon, so I'm going to have to make a run for it."

 Nect apparently sensed the presence of Linus or Gadio approaching.

 Mute holds Cyrille up as she lies down.

 Then Nect puts his left hand on hers and opens his right palm.

"Wait, why are you even Cyrille with you!"

"Well? Ask Mute about that. As for me personally, I don't give a damn about her."

 Mute did not answer anything.

 Before long, her face had returned to that of a normal girl, but nothing could be read from her expression.

 I can't let Cyrille be kidnapped here, even though I've just found her.

 Flamm, knowing the risk, charged at Nect, who was trying to transition, pulled out his soul eater and swung it up.

 She then slashed at them, but the slash cut through the air.

 Flamm looks around agilely, clinging to the possibility that they have shifted nearby.

 But, of course, she cannot find them.

He looked up and saw the two of them, "...... got away. But why is Cyrille involved in this?"

 Flamm's head was in turmoil.

 At least Cyrille wasn't involved in any church-related trouble.

 Did something happen at the party after Flamm's departure?

 If so, then Maria's disappearance is also--

 As she stood there with her sword in her hand, Gadio and Linus arrived a little later.

"Flamm, are you all right?"

"I'm sorry, Flamm-chan, if I had realized it earlier, I could have covered you with a shot."

 Linus had noticed the presence of Nect and the others, but had been shifted just before he shot his arrow.

 Flamm turned to them and opened his mouth with a downcast look on his face.

"Cyrille-chan has been kidnapped by ...... Nect and the others."

"Why did they do it again?"

"Do you mean to say that they were after her?"

"No, that doesn't seem to be the case. I don't know what they want, but ...... they said that they will continue to kill people."

 The smell of blood wafted from the park on the wind.

Flamm gritted her teeth in frustration as she kept the carnage at the edge of her vision.

The park was in terrible shape.

 Linus had heard about it from Flamm, but the sight was beyond his imagination, and as expected, Linus was feeling a bit overwhelmed.

 Meanwhile, Gadio was looking toward the park and triggering his "scan" several times.

"What are you doing, Gadio?"

"Identical name and status?"

"Gadio, I think that's ......."

"Yeah, it's the same thing that happened when I had my run-in with Dane's guy."

 About twenty men stood in front of Flamm as he tried to rescue the ink.


"I think it was a girl named Mute who did it."

"That's the second one. So we should assume that the other one is working somewhere too."

"There are three enemies, I think?"

"No, four if you count Mother."

"I'm sure there's a guy dressed up as a woman. I'd be glad to have you, Maria."

 None of them had considered Jean as an asset from the beginning.


"We'll just have to split up and find out where the enemy is for the time being.

I think I will talk to Mr. Leach."

 He might know something, including about the letter that was sent to us.

"If Flamm-chan stays in the East Ward, I might explore the West Ward."

"Then I guess I'm the central ward."

"Can we just leave the bodies in that ...... park alone?

 There are no longer any survivors, but can't we at least mourn them - Flamm thinks so.

 But Gadio shook his head.

"The soldiers will arrive soon, and we should leave it to them. If they suspect us of being the culprits, we will be detained for a long time."

"So ...... it is, isn't it?"

Flamm said there was no need for him to be depressed, since it was the enemy who was to blame.

Besides, there's no end to what you can do if you keep worrying about this. ・・・・・

You'll never be able to ......

 Gadio's words sound cold, but even he is not without feeling.

 The only thing to do is to stop the spiral children as soon as possible, rather than stop to grieve.

 That is what Flamm and her friends can do now.

 The three parted on the spot and headed for their respective destinations.


  Flamm went to the Leach mansion by herself.

 Even though she had not made an appointment, she was immediately ushered into the drawing room.

 And even before tea was served, Leach appeared in a flustered state.

 He sat down on the sofa, but leaned forward and asked.

"What happened in the park?"

 It was as if he was certain that Flamm knew about it.

 Before she could answer, Leach spoke the following words in an agitated tone: "One of the servants was out there."

"One of the servants who was out there has not returned... He probably got caught up in it and lost his life. The army doesn't seem to know what's going on yet, and the soldiers seem to be at a loss."

 It had not been that long since the mass suicide - a remarkable information-gathering ability.

 Flamm was feeling overwhelmed, but she answered the question firmly.

"Someone related to Children's manipulated people in the park into committing suicide."

"Na......, why did they suddenly do that when they were supposed to have been working in secret until now?"

"It's like he's trying to indiscriminately kill people in the Capital because they were cut off from the church,......."

 Although it hasn't been decided yet that that's the only purpose.

"The Church abandoned the Children? Where did you get this information?"

"In the documents I brought back from Sheol, the location of the Children's base was noted. When I went there together with Mr. Gadio, I found signs of a battle and the body of a child left there. There are only a limited number of beings who know about that place and still have enough fighting strength to kill the children."

"I see...that means there's a good chance that the ...... chimera did it. But it's strange, why would the church go to the trouble of leaving the body there?"

"What? Ah, if you ask me."

 This is a child who has grown up with a core as a heart substitute since childhood.


"It's as if he wanted someone to find it."

"Does that mean ...... us?"

"It's a possibility."

 Why would the Church want to give information to a hostile Flamm?

 At that moment, she suddenly remembered the letter.

She then remembered that letter. "By the way, since yesterday something like this has been arriving at our house."

 She took out of her pocket a piece of paper marked 'Four more days' that arrived yesterday.

 She then held it out in front of Leach.

 He took it, spread it out in front of him, and looked at it intently.

"Four more days. ......"

He takes it and unfolds it in front of him and observes intently, "I received another letter today marked 'three days to go.' I asked Eterna to check it out, and she told me it's made with high quality paper and ink that most people don't use."

"Yes, indeed, the quality seems high."

"Isn't it used in cathedrals and royal castles?"

"Hmmm ......"

 He stared at the letter from different angles, and then at the words written on it.

 He also checked the feel and roughness of the paper with his fingers and even sniffed it with his nose.

"I see. So, Mr. Flamm thought that this letter, like the corpse, might be information from the chimera."

 Flamm nodded.

"If that is the case, then perhaps we should consider the chimera ...... no, in this case Satouki. He may be trying to force Flamm and her team to deal with the rampaging children in the Capital."

"If there are casualties in the Capital, won't that push the church and the kingdom over the edge?"

"Even if that happens, the ones who will be hurt the most will be the current Pope and King."

 And the only one who would be pleased with the weakening of the power of the pope and king would be Satouki, who is ambitious.

 In short, he wants to use the lives of the inhabitants of Capital as a springboard for his own further ascent to greater heights.

 "We don't want to be a part of this scheme, but if there is no one to stop the children but ourselves, then we have no choice but to do it."

"So is this countdown telling us that Children's is going to make something happen ...... in three days?"

"Perhaps it's a bluff to make us think that and make Flamm and the others impatient."

 Either way, we can't let Nect and the others do whatever they want for three or four days.

 Flamm intends to stop them before this countdown is over.

"Welcy will soon start following up on the case, and I'll tell her to share the information with you."

"Thank you, that would be very helpful."

"No,......, I, for one, am glad to know what happened in the park ahead of time."

 I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do with this.


 Flamm sensed his feelings and left Leach's mansion early.

 As she stepped out of the gate, she looked up at the sky and exhaled loudly, "Whew!

 A countdown of three days left."

 The Children are planning to massacre people in the royal capital.

 The chimera's plan to make Flamm and his friends fight against them.

 Maria is missing, and Cyrille has been kidnapped by Nect and Mute.

 There are so many things to think about that I can't wrap my head around it.

 Even when I stopped to think about it, it was the same thing.

 I couldn't think of a place to go - but for now, Flamm started walking away from the scene, trying to get any clues he could.


 Meanwhile, Gadio was moving along the main street of the central district.

 This is where the largest number of people come and go in the capital--the most efficient place if the children's goal is to massacre.

 Sharpening his senses, he looked for people who were different from the general public and radiated a deadly atmosphere.

 No one wants to approach him, even though he has an oppressive face and even sharper eyes.

 Naturally, a subtle space opened up in the crowd, making it easier to walk thanks to the crowd.

 However, with so many people, it was extremely difficult to find the desired person among them.

 He proceeded from the north side toward the south gate of the royal city, and when we reached the exact center of the main avenue--


 A woman's cry was heard from up ahead.

 All eyes turned in that direction.

 --A horse-drawn carriage was running out of control.

 A large, metal cart, a so-called "caravan," was running over and killing people at breakneck speed without a horse in tow for some reason.

 Parts of people caught in the wheels are blown off, and blood splatters.

 The main street was enveloped in chaos.

 People were struggling to get away from the carriages so as not to be caught up in the carnage.

 A wave of crowds also surged toward Gadio.

"Stand back!"

 Gadio said in a voice filled with spirit.

 Then, as if scattering spiders, the people around him move away.

 Taking advantage of this opportunity, he lightly runs, kicks the ground, and jumps on the cart.


 He pulls out the great sword on his back and thrusts it into the wheel, which was spinning at high speed.

 The metal wheel is strong, but not strong enough to withstand Gadio's blow.

 It crumples, is destroyed, and rolls on the ground.

 There are only three wheels left, but if even one is broken, the cart will lose its balance and slow down.

 But strangely enough, the wheels did not stop turning.

 As if by some kind of invisible power, the cart continues to travel forcibly, scraping the stony ground.

 Gadio immediately swung his sword at the remaining three wheels.

 Then it finally stopped - but on the path it had taken, there was a lot of blood and dozens of innocent people were lying on the ground.

 The commotion continues unabated, and Gadio watches the screaming scene from a slightly higher vantage point, searching for the culprits.

 But soon, another scream is heard from another place.

 As one of the main arteries of the royal city, there are more than one or two wagons passing by.

 This time, several small carts began to run amok and attacked the people.

 At that moment, Gadio sees a robed, deeply hooded boy entering an alleyway.

"That's the guy."

 Probably Luke, the last of the Spiral Children, the Spiral Children.

 He was tempted to go after him, but he had to stop the wagon first to avoid more deaths.

 He clicked his tongue and jumped high from the top of the cart - swinging his great sword and shooting multiple prana blades at the runaway cart.

 Then he landed.

 He immediately entered an alley and tried to chase after it, but when he realized that it was the hero Gadio who saved the ...... day, the people sprang up and surrounded him.

 The road was blocked and they were unable to move.

"Damn ......."

 Gadio's words of frustration were drowned out by the clamor, and no one could hear him.

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Feedback for dicedmangoes or meepilee

diced: havent had time to tl stuff lately cuz all i have is my phone, expect me to do more in the upcoming chapters

#Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? (WN)